We're supporting the community as 6701 Local Premier Members.
We're supporting the community as 6701 Local Premier Members.
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6701 Local will update or remove listings not in accordance with these guidelines at their discretion.
If you are unsure about any of the following guidelines, submit your listing according to your understanding of these guidelines and we'll reach out if we feel changes are necessary.

What's On

What can be listed here?

Events can be listed on the "What's On" page of 6701 Local.

What is an event?

We define an event as a significant, entertaining, or community-building occurrence. All events should enrich Carnarvon's community experience.
These do NOT include sales advertisements, council meetings and things of the like. AGM's are permitted.

Event categorisation

The following are the event categories:
Art & Culture
Family Friendly
Health & Wellness

To categorise an event, ask, 'Is this event an [category name] event?'
For example, 'Is this event a Health & Wellness event?'
If yes, include this category in your event.
If no, do not include this category in your event.

In & Around

What can be listed here?

Attractions can be listed on the "In & Around" page of 6701 Local.

What is an attraction?

We define an attraction as a place or activity which draws people to it by providing something of interest.


What is a club?

We define clubs as groups are organised around shared interests or activities, providing a space for members to socialize, pursue hobbies, or participate in recreational or competitive pursuits.

Volunteer & Community Groups

What is a volunteer group?

We define volunteer groups as groups that focuses on organising and coordinating volunteer efforts for community service, charity work, or social initiatives. Their primary goal is to engage volunteers in meaningful activities.

What is a community group?

We define community groups as groups that work within local communities to address specific needs or issues, aiming to improve quality of life, advocate for local interests, or foster community development.


What can be listed here?

Organisations can be listed on the "Directory" page of 6701 Local.

What is an organisation?

We define an organisation as a business, government body, government agency, or a non-government organisation.
Clubs, volunteer groups and community groups may NOT be listed here.


What is an notice?

A notice is a brief message or announcement intended to inform the community about important updates, or opportunities. It serves as a means of communication to share news, seek help, or promote activities within the local area. Notices can cover a wide range of topics, including community announcements, garage sales, classified ads, AGM's, and more.